August Wallpaper/Calendar is ready to download

2018 - 8 - August - tinified
As I'm preparing this month's calendar, the thermometer on my balcony is reporting 100-degrees, and a dry, smokey wind is blowing in from the southwest. At 14% humidity, these refreshing beverages look like just the thing to soothe a scratchy throat.
My monthly desktop wallpaper background not only offers you a pretty seasonal picture to brighten your computer monitor, but also includes a handy monthly calendar and serves as a cheat sheet reference to websites you may want to know about and visit.  And it's even FREE to download and install, so please don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and family.
You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's installation instructions, but installing the background image on my Windows 10 system takes just 3 quick steps – and less than a minute. It's super-duper easy-peasy!
  1. I download and save the image to my computer - from the link just above that starts with "Click HERE". (NOT from the picture that appears at the top of this post!)  TIP:  To "download" the full-resolution image once it's open (from Google Drive where it's stored), I click on the downward-pointing arrow. THAT is what actually begins the download process to my computer.
  2. Once the file has been downloaded, named and saved to my computer's hard drive, I open it. 
  3. Then I right-click on the image and select "Set as" > "Set as Background"….. then right-click again and select "Set as" > "Set as Lock screen". And poof! That's all there is to it! (For convenience, I install this on both my desktop system as well as my laptop.)
And in case you may have an operating system OTHER than Windows 10, these tips may help with installation:
Finally, please keep in mind that the format of my monthly picture is designed for most modern-day 16:9 monitors (a common format for monitors and HD TV's since about 2009), oriented in landscape format. (1920 x 1080 pixels.) If you're working with an older monitor (one that is more square-ish in format), or your monitor is set up in portrait format, the picture will probably not work for you. Sorry 'bout that.

Playing with inlays

I've been having a lot of fun recently with various forms of paper inlays. That is, embedding one paper image (usually cut with a die) into another piece of paper or cardstock so that the two (or more) elements work together as a unit. There are a number of forms of this technique, but today I'd like to share where multiple colors can be used within a single die-cut image to offer up variations of color.


The card just above was my first attempt at this, and yes, if you're thinking these dies were recently retired, you would be correct. But these images are a perfect size to practice inlay if you're new to this technique because they're mostly large enough to handle reasonably easily. And I do recommend that if this is your first attempt, try to find an image with pieces large enough to handle. Don't make this harder on yourself than it needs to be, 'cuz it's supposed to be fun!

On this next card, I used this inlay technique on the lower left leaf to get the two shades of green…


And on this next example, I'll walk though the steps and tips for doing the two-toned inlay on the square element at the top…

Tropical Chic

The colors of cardstock I have used on this square section are Pool Party and Tranquil Tide, and the dies are from the "Tropical Chic" bundle. I started by cutting out the same die shape from a scrap of each of those colors, and basically followed the same procedure with each one.

First, I set up my usual die-cutting sandwich stack and ran the stack through the Big Shot. But then when it came out of the machine, I didn't rip into the stack in my normal way; instead, I removed the entire stack from the machine and flipped the whole thing upside-down. Now I carefully removed layer by layer until I revealed the underside of the newly die-cut cardstock.


Next, I laid a sheet of contrasting paper (white, in this case) over what remained of the stack and held it in place tightly while I flipped the remainder of the stack back over, and laid it onto my table. So now I could carefully remove the cutting pad (which was once again on top), and ended up with this:


(Note that going forward I'll be illustrating the process with the contrasting color of cardstock. But I did exactly the same process to each of the two colors I worked with, which ultimately gave me two completed squares – to make two cards.)

Next, using my die brush along with a wooden skewer VERY carefully, I poked out the cut pieces and let them fall into place onto the white paper. Yeah, I did have to make a few adjustments because this step never works exactly perfectly, but the point of this was to try to keep all the little pieces in relative order so I could work with them easily later. These will eventually become pieces in a miniature jig-saw puzzle!



Each time I have made one of these embedded examples I have found it helpful to adhere a "base" layer of cardstock underneath the main layer. This ensures the die cut images with all the holes in it doesn't stretch out of shape, and it also prevents drawing attention to any imperfections where one piece might not match up perfectly with another. For this latter reason, I usually make the base layer from the same color of cardstock as the pieces which will eventually be inlaid.

For the 2 examples shown at the top of this article, I die-cut just the outer shape of the image when a die was available, and traced and cut out a base when there was no die of that shape. (That rose does not have a solid shape, so it required tracing and cutting by hand.) Then I carefully glued the detailed shape onto its base. For my third card, I used a couple of square dies to trim up the final image, as well as to create a base layer for underneath. Here's the bottom view of the base layer…. just a little smaller than the finished piece, as you can see:


Now with all the preliminary steps complete, it's time for the fun part….. to start adhering and embedding all the little pieces into their proper spaces. Begin with the piece right-side-up, and insert a teeny-weeny bit of glue onto the base layer in a few open spaces. (Tip:  I like to use a half-and-half mixture of Fine Tip Glue and Multipurpose Liquid Glue, dispensed from a Fine-Tip Glue Pen. I shake this up before using it, but then tap the bottom of the bottle on the table to reduce numbers of potential bubbles. This mixture maintains a little more "body" as it's dispensed, and doesn't take as long to dry as pure Fine Tip Glue does because it's not as liquid.)

Don't put glue in too many places at once; you don't want it drying up on you as you're still inserting pieces into place. A little experience will tell you how far ahead you can work with the glue. And don't forget that when I refer to a "teeny-weeny bit of glue", that's EXACTLY what I mean. ONLY enough glue to anchor the punched-out piece, and NO MORE!

This next picture shows pieces that have already been adhered in place along the left and lower areas. Can you see why it's important to keep the unplaced pieces in relative order for purposes of preserving one's sanity? 


Most of the time I find I can pick up these pieces with my fingers (and fingernails), but ultimately there are will be a few pieces that are just too small for that. So I have found that if I quickly lick the tip of my pinky finger, touch it lightly to my other hand, and then touch it to the itsy-bitsy little piece, that little challenge piece will usually adhere to my pinky just long enough to set it right down in its appropriate place.  Whew!

And don't forget that if you need reading glasses for close-up work, WEAR THEM! And have adequate working light, and go stare across the street when you're done. It doesn't take my eyes very long to remind me that this kind of minute task isn't very friendly to the eyes.  Ah, but the finished result is certainly worth it!

July’s desktop wallpaper/calendar is ready to download

2018 - 7 - July - tinifiedjpg

Hummingbirds. Are you as fascinated by their tiny bodies and silly aerial antics as I am?

For many years my parents kept multiple hummingbird feeders in their yards and we loved to watch from inside the house, or even head outside to see if we could get one of the little guys to alight on us. Alas, I never accomplished the latter, but I did get dive-bombed plenty of times. I remember one particular male hummer who had decided a specific feeder was his. And his alone. And while he visited it often throughout the day for nourishment, he also spent most of the rest of the day sitting on a special "look out" tree branch with attention focused directly on "his" feeder. Then, whenever another hummer dared to approach "his" feeder he'd swoop over and chase the interloper away, only to circle back to his private perch and resume his guard. His mama had definitely not taught him the concept of sharing!

My monthly desktop wallpaper background not only offers you a pretty seasonal picture to brighten your computer monitor, but also includes a handy monthly calendar and serves as a cheat sheet reference to websites you may want to know about and visit.  And it's even FREE to download and install, so please don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and family.
You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's installation instructions, but installing the background image on my Windows 10 system takes just 3 quick steps – and less than a minute. It's super-duper easy-peasy!
  1. I download and save the image to my computer - from the link just above that starts with "Click HERE". (NOT from the picture that appears at the top of this post!)  TIP:  To "download" the full-resolution image once it's open (from Google Drive where it's stored), I click on the downward-pointing arrow. THAT is what actually begins the download process to my computer.
  2. Once the file has been downloaded, named and saved to my computer's hard drive, I open it. 
  3. Then I right-click on the image and select "Set as" > "Set as Background"….. then right-click again and select "Set as" > "Set as Lock screen". And poof! That's all there is to it! (For convenience, I install this on both my desktop system as well as my laptop.)
And in case you may have an operating system OTHER than Windows 10, these tips may help with installation:
Finally, please keep in mind that the format of my monthly picture is designed for most modern-day 16:9 monitors (common format for monitors and HD TV's since about 2009), oriented in landscape format. (1920 x 1080 pixels.) If you're working with an older monitor (one that is more square-ish in format), or your monitor is set up in portrait format, the picture will probably not work for you. Sorry 'bout that.

June’s Desktop Calendar is ready for download

2018 - 6 - June - tinified
June. The beginning of summer often brings dreams of vacations and destinations. Even if you can't actually visit your dream destination this year, I hope this quiet image will offer you some moments of tranquility.
My monthly desktop wallpaper background not only offers you a pretty seasonal picture to brighten your computer monitor, but also includes a handy monthly calendar and serves as a cheat sheet reference to websites you may want to know about and visit.  And it's even FREE to download and install, so please don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and family.
You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's installation instructions, but installing the background image on my Windows 10 system takes just 3 quick steps – and less than a minute. It's super-duper easy-peasy!
  1. I download and save the image to my computer - from the link just above that starts with "Click HERE".(NOT from the picture that appears at the top of this post!)  TIP:  To "download" the full-resolution image once it's open (from Google Drive where it's stored), I click on the downward-pointing arrow. THAT is what actually begins the download process to my computer.
  2. Once the file has been downloaded, named and saved to my computer's hard drive, I open it. 
  3. Then I right-click on the image and select "Set as" > "Set as Background"….. then right-click again and select "Set as" > "Set as Lock screen". And poof! That's all there is to it! (For convenience, I install this on both my desktop system as well as my laptop.)
And in case you may have an operating system OTHER than Windows 10, these tips may help with installation:
Finally, please keep in mind that the format of my monthly picture is designed for most modern-day 16:9 monitors (a common format for monitors and HD TV's since about 2009), oriented in landscape format. (1920 x 1080 pixels.) If you're working with an older monitor (one that is more square-ish in format), or your monitor is set up in portrait format, the picture will probably not work for you. Sorry 'bout that.

May’s desktop wallpaper and calendar image is ready to download

2018 - 5 - May - tinified
I've been in love with lilacs as far back as I can remember. In fact, I remember hosting a party for friends when we were in 5th grade, and I filled the room with armloads of lilacs from our bushes out back. And to this day, when I think of a traditional "May" flower, the first thing that comes to mind is the lilac with its intoxicating sweet scent. Happy MAY!
My monthly desktop wallpaper background not only offers you a pretty seasonal picture to brighten your computer monitor, but also includes a handy monthly calendar and serves as a cheat sheet reference to websites you may want to know about and visit.  And it's even FREE to download and install, so please don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and family.
You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's installation instructions, but installing the background image on my Windows 10 system takes just 3 quick steps – and  less than a minute. It's super-duper easy-peasy!
  1. I download and save the image to my computer - from the link just above that starts with "Click HERE". (NOT from the picture that appears at the top of this post!)  TIP:  To "download" the full-resolution image once it's open (from Google Drive where it's stored), I click on the downward-pointing arrow. THAT is what actually begins the download process to my computer.
  2. Once the file has been downloaded, named and saved to my computer's hard drive, I open it. 
  3. Then I right-click on the image and select "Set as" > "Set as Background"….. then right-click again and select "Set as" > "Set as Lock screen". And poof! That's all there is to it! (For convenience, I install this on both my desktop system as well as my laptop.)
And in case you may have an operating system OTHER than Windows 10, these tips may help with installation:
Finally, please keep in mind that the format of my monthly picture is designed for most modern-day 16:9 monitors (common format for monitors and HD TV's since about 2009), oriented in landscape format. (1920 x 1080 pixels.) If you're working with an older monitor (one that is more square-ish in format), or your monitor is set up in portrait format, the picture will probably not work for you. Sorry 'bout that.

April’s desktop wallpaper and calendar image is ready to download

  2018 - 4 - April - tinified

Happy Easter! I hope you get to enjoy the day with your loved ones, and that the true meaning of the day brings you peace and hope.

I've chosen tulips for this month's desktop wallpaper…. a fond memory I still hold from my days living close enough to the Skagit Valley in Washington to be able to enjoy their amazing fields awash in color during the annual Tulip Festival each April. I hope when you sit down each morning with your cup of coffee and fire up your computer, that these tulips will make you smile and fill your soul with light.

My monthly desktop wallpaper background not only offers you a pretty seasonal picture to brighten your computer monitor, but also includes a handy monthly calendar and serves as a cheat sheet reference to websites you may want to know about and visit.  And it's even FREE to download and install, so please don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and family.
You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's installation instructions, but installing the background image on my Windows 10 system takes just 3 quick steps – and  less than a minute. It's super-duper easy-peasy!
  1. I download and save the image to my computer - from the link just above that starts with "Click HERE". (NOT from the picture that appears at the top of this post!)  TIP:  To "download" the full-resolution image once it's open (from Google Drive where it's stored), I click on the downward-pointing arrow. THAT is what actually begins the download process to my computer.
  2. Once the file has been downloaded, named and saved to my computer's hard drive, I open it. 
  3. Then I right-click on the image and select "Set as" > "Set as Background"….. then right-click again and select "Set as" > "Set as Lock screen". And poof! That's all there is to it! (For convenience, I install this on both my desktop system as well as my laptop.)
And in case you may have an operating system OTHER than Windows 10, these tips may help with installation:
  1. Windows 10, 8.1 or 7: 
  2. Apple Mac: 
Finally, please keep in mind that the format of my monthly picture is designed for most modern-day 16:9 monitors (common format for monitors and HD TV's since about 2009), oriented in landscape format. (1920 x 1080 pixels.) If you're working with an older monitor (one that is more square-ish in format), or your monitor is set up in portrait format, the picture will probably not work for you. Sorry 'bout that.

March’s desktop wallpaper and calendar image is ready to download

2018 - 3 - March - tinified
If this seems a bit late, you're right! This is getting posted much later in the month than I aim for.
Two reasons, actually. The most recent is because once I had this all written, tested and proof-read the other day, the system burped and the whole thing completely disappeared. And my schedule at the time didn't allow me to start all over and re-write it just then.
But backing up to the days prior to that, I'd been having a particularly difficult struggle deciding what image to choose for this month. The battle in my head had been going something like this:
"Ok, Lynda, it's time for the March image. Ordinarily you'd be thinking about Easter for your seasonal design. Baby chicks, bunnies, baskets, spring flowers, that sort of thing. But Easter isn't actually until next month, and on the very first day, at that. Which means that by only the 2nd day of April any chicks, bunnies and related baskets will be basically outdated."
"Hmmm…. tough one."
"Oh I know! March! Comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. YES! That's what I'll choose….. lambs! Lambs are born in the spring, they're adorable and definitely 'awww-worthy', and while I can't be certain everyone will get the lion/lamb/March connection, just their sweet faces should bring a smile anyway."
I still couldn't run with it.
Because when I got right down to being really honest with myself, my heart just wasn't into sweet and adorable critters prancing around in a meadow right now. My heart was actually with PurpleLadyLoretta, my beautiful mom. My mom who'd passed away just the week before. And what my heart really needed to create was a tribute to her.
So Mom, this one's for you.  You always loved the warmth of the sun on your skin, bright blue skies, the sharp lines of rocky hills contrasting with gentle fields of flowers, and how the Whidbey gray would often open up a narrow window right along the western horizon late in the afternoon – just in time to reveal a momentary glimpse of God's spectacular sunsets. 
Mom was probably my biggest fan when it came to these monthly wallpapers I design, and she was always thrilled when I'd load a bright, new image onto her computer every month. I've always suspected that part of that was her love for vibrant color. 
Mom's mother was an artist, and while Mom never felt she'd inherited Grandma's ability to paint or draw, she did inherit her appreciation for color. Bright color, and lots of it. Mom's love for color showed up everywhere:  in her wardrobe, in the flowers she chose, in table settings for parties and gatherings she loved to host, and through every layer of her home decor.
Some of her most joyous memories were of the years she and Dad crewed for hot air balloon teams. And what makes a grander display of color than a giant field littered with dozens (or even hundreds) of hot air balloons?!?
But purple reigned as her favorite. And over the years I can recall purple appearing on her bathroom walls, in her linens and dishes, and of course in many of the art pieces she surrounded herself with. Fragrant lavender lined her garden, and even her car sported some version of lavender. (Actually, the official paperwork on that car defines its color as "Opal", but anyone looking through human eyes, rather than marketing eyes, recognizes that color as lavender.)
And a quick peek inside her closet revealed that purple dominated there, too.
Mom spent much of her life helping to better other people's lives. She volunteered for and held board positions in a number of organizations whose missions were about helping others. She clothed children in need, and she and Dad delivered Meals on Wheels for many years. When she heard of a family going through a difficult time, she'd prepare and deliver a meal for them. And until her final months she always had birthday cards and thank-you cards in the mail on time…. a feat I'll *never* be able to accomplish. One didn't really have to know Mom very well to recognize the "Purple" part of her gmail handle, but those who *did* know PurpleLadyLoretta will understand the "Lady" part, too.
Loretta Collage - 2
My monthly desktop wallpaper background not only offers you a pretty seasonal picture to brighten your computer monitor, but also includes a handy monthly calendar and serves as a cheat sheet reference to websites you may want to know about and visit.  And it's even FREE to download and install, so please don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and family.
You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's installation instructions, but installing the background image on my Windows 10 system takes just 3 quick steps – and  less than a minute. It's super-duper easy-peasy!
  1. I download and save the image to my computer - from the link just above that starts with "Click HERE". (NOT from the picture that appears at the top of this post!)  TIP:  To "download" the full-resolution image once it's open (from Google Drive where it's stored), I click on the downward-pointing arrow. THAT is what actually begins the download process to my computer.
  2. Once the file has been downloaded, named and saved to my computer's hard drive, I open it. 
  3. Then I right-click on the image and select "Set as" > "Set as Background"….. then right-click again and select "Set as" > "Set as Lock screen". And poof! That's all there is to it! (For convenience, I install this on both my desktop system as well as my laptop.)
And in case you may have an operating system OTHER than Windows 10, these tips may help with installation:
  1. Windows 10, 8.1 or 7: 
  2. Apple Mac: 
Finally, please keep in mind that the format of my monthly picture is designed for most modern-day 16:9 monitors (common format for monitors and HD TV's since about 2009), oriented in landscape format. (1920 x 1080 pixels.) If you're working with an older monitor (one that is more square-ish in format), or your monitor is set up in portrait format, the picture will probably not work for you. Sorry 'bout that.

February’s desktop wallpaper with calendar is ready to download

2018 - 2 - February - tinified
Don't know about you, but by the time we finish wading through January I'm totally ready to rest my eyeballs on some soft, sweet flowers. Of course February is the month of pink (well, being a "lover-of-most-things-pink", that's *my* rule anyway), so here ya go!
My monthly desktop wallpaper background not only offers you a pretty seasonal picture to brighten your computer monitor, but also includes a handy monthly calendar and serves as a cheat sheet reference to websites you may want to know about and visit.  And it's even FREE to download and install, so please don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and family.
You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's installation instructions, but installing the background image on my Windows 10 system takes just 3 quick steps – and  less than a minute. It's super-duper easy-peasy!
  1. I download and save the image to my computer - from the link just above that starts with "Click HERE". (NOT from the picture that appears at the top of this post!)  TIP:  To "download" the full-resolution image once it's open (from Google Drive where it's stored), I click on the downward-pointing arrow. THAT is what actually begins the download process to my computer.
  2. Once the file has been downloaded, named and saved to my computer's hard drive, I open it. 
  3. Then I right-click on the image and select "Set as" > "Set as Background"….. then right-click again and select "Set as" > "Set as Lock screen". And poof! That's all there is to it! (For convenience, I install this on both my desktop system as well as my laptop.)
And in case you may have an operating system OTHER than Windows 10, these tips may help with installation:
  1. Windows 10, 8.1 or 7: 
  2. Apple Mac: 
Finally, please keep in mind that the format of my monthly picture is designed for most modern-day 16:9 monitors (common format for monitors and HD TV's since about 2009), oriented in landscape format. (1920 x 1080 pixels.) If you're working with an older monitor (one that is more square-ish in format), or your monitor is set up in portrait format, the picture will probably not work for you. Sorry 'bout that.

January desktop calendar is ready to download

(Updated 1-3-2018 to include link to 2018 Occasions Catalog.)
2018 - 1 - January - tinified
Cardinals and winter. In my mind they just kinda go together. Probably because my grandmother was a devoted bird-lover in Michigan. I remember always being so delighted when one of these vibrant red beauties would land on her feeder, presenting such a welcome contrast to the often dull winter sky.
My monthly desktop wallpaper background not only offers you a pretty seasonal picture to brighten your computer monitor, but also includes a handy monthly calendar and serves as a cheat sheet reference to websites you may want to know about and visit.  And it's even FREE to download and install, so please don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and family.
You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's installation instructions, but installing the background image on my Windows 10 system takes just 3 quick steps – and  less than a minute. It's super-duper easy-peasy!
  1. I download and save the image to my computer - from the link just above that starts with "Click HERE". (NOT from the picture that appears at the top of this post!)  TIP:  To "download" the full-resolution image once it's open (from Google Drive where it's stored), I click on the downward-pointing arrow. THAT is what actually begins the download process to my computer.
  2. Once the file has been downloaded, named and saved to my computer's hard drive, I open it. 
  3. Then I right-click on the image and select "Set as" > "Set as Background"….. then right-click again and select "Set as" > "Set as Lock screen". And poof! That's all there is to it! (For convenience, I install this on both my desktop system as well as my laptop.)
And in case you may have an operating system OTHER than Windows 10, these tips may help with installation:
  1. Windows 10, 8.1 or 7: 
  2. Apple Mac: 
Finally, please keep in mind that the format of my monthly picture is designed for most modern-day 16:9 monitors (common format for monitors and HD TV's since about 2009), oriented in landscape format. (1920 x 1080 pixels.) If you're working with an older monitor (one that is more square-ish in format), or your monitor is set up in portrait format, the picture will probably not work for you. Sorry 'bout that.

December’s desktop wallpaper with calendar is ready to download

2017 - 12 - December - tinified
Are you feeling blue as we enter the Christmas season? I sure am. But certainly not "blue" as in sad, but rather in the context of the cool, bright light of a sunny winter's day, while comfy-cozy and protected from its chill. I wish you and yours a very warm and happy holiday season!
My monthly desktop wallpaper background not only offers you a pretty seasonal picture to brighten your computer monitor, but also includes a handy monthly calendar and serves as a cheat sheet reference to websites you may want to know about and visit.  And it's even FREE to download and install, so please don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and family.
You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's installation instructions, but installing the background image on my Windows 10 system takes just 3 quick steps – and  less than a minute. It's super-duper easy-peasy!
  1. I download and save the image to my computer - from the link just above that starts with "Click HERE". (NOT from the picture that appears at the top of this post!)  TIP:  To "download" the full-resolution image once it's open (from Google Drive where it's stored), I click on the downward-pointing arrow. THAT is what actually begins the download process to my computer.
  2. Once the file has been downloaded, named and saved to my computer's hard drive, I open it. 
  3. Then I right-click on the image and select "Set as" > "Set as Background"….. then right-click again and select "Set as" > "Set as Lock screen". And poof! That's all there is to it! (For convenience, I install this on both my desktop system as well as my laptop.)
And in case you may have an operating system OTHER than Windows 10, these tips may help with installation:
  1. Windows 10, 8.1 or 7: 
  2. Apple Mac: 
Finally, please keep in mind that the format of my monthly picture is designed for most modern-day 16:9 monitors (common format for monitors and HD TV's since about 2009), oriented in landscape format. (1920 x 1080 pixels.) If you're working with an older monitor (one that is more square-ish in format), or your monitor is set up in portrait format, the picture will probably not work for you. Sorry 'bout that.