Snowflake Showcase – Last call

November's exclusive "Snowflake Showcase" has certainly been an amazing collection, hasn't it? So many beautiful snowflakes and versatile images – in both stamp sets and dies; I'm super-sad to see it coming to an end. But yep, today's its last day of availability; the curtain falls in just a few more hours.

In the meantime however, I thought I'd share some of the thank you cards I've been sending out recently. Featuring… well, what else, lol?!? Not only some of my favorite winter-time images, but some of my very favorite winter colors, too!


Besides the "Snow is Glistening"  and "Kindness & Compassion" stamp sets, these cards feature "Layering Ovals" dies; Highland Heather, Gorgeous Grape and Coastal Cabana inks; Frost White Shimmer Paint; Clear Rhinestone Jewels; and Highland Heather, Gorgeous Grape, and Whisper White cardstocks (WW in both regular and thick). And of course, the Stamparatus helped place that "Thank you" image exactly where I wanted it… nice and bright!


There are still a few remaining hours to claim all or part of this collection for yourself. If you're still debating, let me help. The answer is "Yes!" – because snowflakes of this classic art style will never look dated, they can be used solo or in conjunction with other images on almost any winter project, and look fabulous in pretty much any color. (Well, maybe not so much Real Red or Cajun Craze, come to think of it….. but YOU know what I mean, lol!) 

See what's still available from the Snowflake Showcase here!

Musings on a Sunday morning


Yesterday was my 5th consecutive year hosting a booth at the Post Falls High School Craft Fair. And the first year that I really began to feel like a veteran there. You see, it's a little bit of a challenge to break into a new event such as this. I still remember breaking in to local booth events back on Whidbey Island (WA): at first a series of several single-day, small holiday-focused fairs, then the weekend-long Uniquely Whidbey Business Expo (before the event was sadly discontinued), and eventually the 4-day Island County Fair. Always feeling like the "new kid on the block" for the first several years… until eventually, you come to understand the "vibe", develop a following, and feel at ease. I guess this was that year for me. And it feels pretty cool.

While I've done several other holiday-ish events since moving here to North Idaho several years ago, this has turned out to be the only one I've participated in for these 5 consecutive years. Why? Well first off, it's technically within walking distance of my home. (Not while hauling 3 carloads of "stuff", but you know what I mean by "walking distance", lol.) And I think given it's practically in my backyard, it would feel pretty odd NOT to be represented there as a local crafter! So there's that little thing… 

But beyond that, this event is established and well-organized, with a good following and reputation. And believe me, I've been doing these gigs for enough decades to understand the critical importance of THOSE elements, too. 

As usual for this event, yesterday was SLAMMED first thing in the morning. Doors often open a few minutes ahead of schedule (which, granted, creates a bit of a challenge for those of us still tending to the final fussy details of set-up), but within only moments of the doors opening, the aisles are filled nearly to capacity and buzzing with excitement. This first wave of shoppers are serious. Almost all my financial transactions for the day occur during this first hour. It's exhilarating, and the time FLIES by! But I always feel a little bit wistful by the end of that hour that there's just not been quite enough of me to go around during the frenzy. Questions have come from all directions, and there's hardly been time to share the focus points I'd prepared, nor (especially) to actually relate to people on a human level as I'd like to. It's like "all hands on deck"… except I've only got two hands! And for that first hour, two are hardly enough.

And then the next couple of hours are a bit more relaxed and fun. There's still fairly strong interest from the crowd, and I get a chance to chat a bit more with guests, and showcase my planned featured products. Thankfully, the past couple of years I've had several people from the initial crowd drop back by during this timeframe, so I get a chance to reconnect a little more personally with them before the crowd thins to a trickle of casual strollers just past noon. (This is the point in an event of this type where we start chatting with our neighboring vendors, discovering their crafty talents and products, and sharing ideas to consider implementing in future years.)

This year I had chosen the magical Stamparatus for my demonstration product, and as I'd expected, it did indeed charm a whole LOTTA folk…. including those who at first weren't all that interested because they already owned a "M****" (which is a competing brand of stamp positioner, although retailing at a higher price for a more limited range of features). So it was really fun to show what THIS positioner could do… even though I kept it pretty basic and never even ventured into some of its fancier tricks.

But the #1 attention-getter out of the entire day was far and away this card…


…featuring elements of the Snowflake Showcase, of course. Photography doesn't do it justice, but it features such a beautiful die, simply partnered with classic blue and silver, and the pop and sparkle of glimmer paper. (BTW, this is one of the tutorials I'll send you by email around mid-November when you purchase *any* of the Snowflake Showcase products through me by then.)

Finally, I was blessed to have had my brother and my son (and even grandson) help with the muscle power of setup and take-down this year, so that went amazingly smoothly and left me far less physically exhausted than I usually am. I am SO grateful to all 3 of my guys for that!

Uh-Oh. Warning: approaching personal side jaunt for a couple of paragraphs…

Some of you may know that several months ago I decided it was high time to put some serious attention towards my health – which, due to other obligations in life, had kinda been relegated to the back burner in recent years. So the time had come that I was ready to not only shed some of the heft that had accumulated in places that I realized were particularly unhealthy, but to also make the types of changes that could address other facets of health as I plow into my "more senior" years as well. So after much studying, I headed towards low-carb, and specifically the ketogenic way of eating. Almost 3 months later, in spite of some minor bumps along the way, it's proven to be exactly what I needed. And the more I learn and observe how my body has responded, the more I grow convinced of that… and the more I yearn to learn even more. So I read, and listen to podcasts and YouTube interviews with amazing experts in the field – as often as I possibly can.   

This morning I was watching a recent video interview with Dr. Dominic D'Agostino, and as the interview was coming to a close, he was asked for his "#1 thing" that would make the biggest positive change on someone's health, and his answer evolved around relationships. "Get your relationships right", he advised. And schedule in "creative downtime" with people who matter to you. Further, he advised being passionate about something that can help or serve others.


That comment reminded me instantly about why I've been with Stampin' Up! for this many years! I, like so many other long-time demonstrators, came into Stampin' Up! because of the products. Because of the fun, creative outlet. But we've stayed because of the people. The tribes we've built while we've been doing this. And I *particularly* count among my "peeps" – my team members and customers. People I interact with on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. People who sit around the stamp table with me, or those who WOULD still be sitting around the stamp table with me if I hadn't moved away from them – or they away from me. People who show up to class in a rotten mood and leave with a smile on their faces. People who follow me on the web, and comment or "like" whatever I share, even when their own lives are busy and they don't need to. And those team members from across the country who participate in our online events and activities – and generously share ideas with the rest of us. These are people I've come to know personally at least at some level, and they've woven themselves into the fabric of my life… and I'd like to think it's mutual.

So back to my craft fair booth of yesterday…

Yesterday I heard several stories that, interestingly, I hadn't heard before. Stories told in different words, but with the same basic theme. From ladies who lamented that they'd sold or given away the stamp supplies they'd collected and used sometime in the past. Because NOW they were recognizing that that part of their lives had really been about more than stamps, ink and paper – it was about friendships they'd developed along the way. And now that they'd separated themselves from that activity (and those people), they realized they were seriously missing that part of their lives.

And I totally understand that.

So while I can't help them regain those exact same connections, I'd love to help them create new ones. So of course I invited them to join us at OUR monthly classes, and I hope they will.

If you're reading this and you were one who shared a similar story with me yesterday, please DO come hang with us on the 4th Tuesday of most every month (except December, which will be on the 11th). We'd love to welcome you back. Come sit around the stampin' table again and become part of our stampin' tribe!

Snowflake Showcase

Snowflake virtual swap card - w my wm
Do you love snowflakes at Christmastime as much as I do?

Sweet, sparkling snowflakes evoke the nostalgia of a “white Christmas” – even when the reality of snow manages to complicate certain elements and transportation logistics of our modern-day lives. (Like even GETTING to Grandma’s house in time for Christmas dinner, for instance. And especially if there might be mountains involved between oneself and one’s destination.) Nevertheless, we love the concept of the silent and pristine white blanket all around… and the beautiful patterns snowflakes make, whether individually or en masse.

So, if you’re a snowflake lover like I am, I’ll bet you’ll be thrilled with what Stampin’ Up! has created for us this month!

“Snowflake Showcase” is an exclusive set of 5 products designed to appeal specifically to those of us who count ourselves among snowflake-admirers. These 5 items will be available for the month of November only – and only while supplies last. No, they’re not in any catalog, but will be available through the online store as long as inventories hold out. (Or until November 30th, whichever occurs first.)

This gorgeous collection consists of 2 stamp sets, a set of dies, and a couple of accessory items. No bundled pricing this time around… which means that you can pick and choose your favorites – as long as they’re still available. And if one item runs out, there won’t be concerns about having to 86 an entire bundle just because that item might have been part of it.

For those of you young-uns who might be reading this, waaaayyyy back when I used to wait tables in a restaurant, the term “86” meant to delete a menu item because we’d run out of it. It wasn’t uncommon on a busy dinner shift to hear a cook holler out from the kitchen, “86 the bakers!” Which meant we servers were not to take any more orders for baked potatoes because we’d just run out of them.

Now, according to Google, that term isn’t used much anymore these days – not even in restaurants. Frankly, I don’t know if that’s true or not (kinda makes me wonder what they holler out *nowadays* when they run out of baked potatoes, lol), but I’ve continued to use the term, and I’ve heard it used a number of times outside of restaurant-speak over the years, as well.

(This piece of restaurant nostalgia brought to you by Denny’s, cir. early 1970’s.)

Ok, so back to the Snowflake Showcase…

Here are the 5 fun products that are part of this exclusive opportunity. Note that the die set includes shapes that coordinate with each of the stamp sets, and that amazing set of dies includes 20 of ’em!

And hang onto your stocking caps, ‘cuz you won’t want to miss the white velveteen sheets, either!

Now, I’ve got something else in store for you, too! About mid-November, I’ll be sending out a special email to everyone who has purchased even one item from this collection (through me, of course), and this email will be filled with Snowflake Showcase project ideas – including the step-by-step tutorials for each one of ’em!

So THERE is a very good idea for ordering your Snowflake Showcase products early in the month. But here’s another…

Remember I said that they’d only be available “while supplies last”? Well, we already know these are going to be popular! Which means the odds of one or more of the items running out of supply is likely. So the earlier in the month you order yours, the greater the likelihood you’ll get your hands on the items your heart is set on. (AND the longer you’ll have to use your new goodies this winter season, too!)

So in case you haven’t noticed, I don’t recommend waiting very long to get your favorites from the Snowflake Showcase.  In fact, you can do it right now at!

And then keep an eye out for your special email filled with project ideas – arriving around the middle of November!

Join us for our 5th Annual World Card-Making Day Virtual Retreat!

Virtual Retreat - Social Media


So I'm kinda betting that if you haven't attended one of our previous Paper Dreamers Virtual Retreats you may likely be wondering "just what in the world is THAT?!?" And it would be entirely fair for you to wonder.

So here's what it's about, in the shortest nutshell I can compose…

What: Our 5th annual online event (presented entirely in a closed Facebook group) – focused on fun and friendships, as we each make greeting cards using any crafty products we wish. Several optional challenges may be presented along the way, and there may or may not be rumors of prizes, too. 😉 Each participant will be invited to self-report the numbers of cards he/she completed during the event so that we can tally all the cards made and see if we can beat our previous 48-hour group record. (Which, btw, currently stands at 481 cards – a record set 2 years ago.)

Why & Where: The first Saturday of every October is World Card-Making Day…. a day that crafters, and especially rubber stampers, enjoy commemorating by making cards, of course. Some people like to gather in small groups to work together (which is awesome!), but others of us gather online ("virtually") – and craft in our own homes.

When: 48 hours beginning Friday, Oct. 5, 2018 @ 4 pm (Pacific time) – and running thru Sunday, Oct. 7, 2018 @ 4 pm (Pacific time)

Who: Anyone on my Paper Dreamers (Stampin' Up!) Demonstrator Team, AND their families, friends, teams and customers are invited to participate! (If you think about it for a moment, that has the potential to be a LOT of people, actually!)

Cost: Zip, zilch, nada, nothing!

So, if you can be included in the definition of "Who" in the section just above (and if you already know me, you certainly qualify!), I encourage you to join us! Even if you'll just be "auditing" for your first year. (We like that term better than "lurking", lol.) But however you prefer to participate, it does require joining the Facebook group, where the 48-hour event will take place.

So go ahead and get signed up for that group right now at , be sure to read the FAQ's and other info that is already posted (you may have to click the "discussion" tab to view those posts), watch for more info that will appear over the next couple of days……. and plan to join us if you possibly can at LAUNCH TIME this Friday…… 4:00 pm Pacific Time (7:00 pm Eastern)! 


NOW, before I sign off, what would World Card-Making Day be without a bit of a product sale from Stampin' Up!, as well? So yeah, we've gotcha covered there, too. 10% off a couple dozen items in the online store…. available (while supplies at this price last, of course) through October 7th. Check 'em all out here, and see if any of your wishlist goodies might be included!

October’s desktop wallpaper & calendar is ready to download

2018 - 10 - October - tinified
Well, it's official. The weather is becoming chillier, and just yesterday the thought of turning on the heat crossed my mind for the first time in many months. (I quickly beat that idea back, though; I'm just not quite ready to there THERE yet, lol!) But a couple trees across the street from where I sit at my desk have adorned themselves in lovely examples of Cherry Cobbler and Fresh Fig, and soon my favorite tree over there will be ablaze in Crushed Curry. I do enjoy watching those trees transform themselves throughout each season.
My monthly desktop wallpaper background not only offers you a pretty seasonal picture to brighten your computer monitor, but also includes a handy monthly calendar and serves as a cheat sheet reference to websites you may want to know about and visit.  And it's even FREE to download and install, so please don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and family.
You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's installation instructions, but installing the background image on my Windows 10 system takes just 3 quick steps – and less than a minute. It's super-duper, easy-peasy!
  1. I download and save the image to my computer - from the link just above that starts with "Click HERE". (NOT from the picture that appears at the top of this post!)  TIP:  To "download" the full-resolution image once it's open (from Google Drive where it's stored), I click on the downward-pointing arrow. THAT is what actually begins the download process to my computer.
  2. Once the file has been downloaded, named and saved to my computer's hard drive, I open it. 
  3. Then I right-click on the image and select "Set as" > "Set as Background"….. then right-click again and select "Set as" > "Set as Lock screen". And poof! That's all there is to it! (For convenience, I install this on both my desktop system as well as my laptop.)
And in case you may have an operating system OTHER than Windows 10, these tips may help with installation:
Finally, please keep in mind that the format of my monthly picture is designed for most modern-day 16:9 monitors (a common format for monitors and HD TV's since about 2009), oriented in landscape format. (1920 x 1080 pixels.) If you're working with an older monitor (one that is more square-ish in format), or your monitor is set up in portrait format, the picture will probably not work for you. Sorry 'bout that.

September wallpaper/calendar is ready to download – for real this time!

2018 - 9 - September - tinified
Yay! It's officially official! The Holiday Catalog is now available for ordering from, and along with that, now I can publish the entire September wallpaper image! Thanks for your patience while we awaited the magic date. If you're a regular customer of mine you should already have your copy of the brand-new Holiday Catalog, but if you don't have one, you can catch the PDF here…. and if you don't have another demonstrator you already work with, then please ask me for your personal copy soon!
My monthly desktop wallpaper background not only offers you a pretty seasonal picture to brighten your computer monitor, but also includes a handy monthly calendar and serves as a cheat sheet reference to websites you may want to know about and visit.  And it's even FREE to download and install, so please don't hesitate to share this page with your friends and family.
You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's installation instructions, but installing the background image on my Windows 10 system takes just 3 quick steps – and less than a minute. It's super-duper easy-peasy!
  1. I download and save the image to my computer - from the link just above that starts with "Click HERE". (NOT from the picture that appears at the top of this post!)  TIP:  To "download" the full-resolution image once it's open (from Google Drive where it's stored), I click on the downward-pointing arrow. THAT is what actually begins the download process to my computer.
  2. Once the file has been downloaded, named and saved to my computer's hard drive, I open it. 
  3. Then I right-click on the image and select "Set as" > "Set as Background"….. then right-click again and select "Set as" > "Set as Lock screen". And poof! That's all there is to it! (For convenience, I install this on both my desktop system as well as my laptop.)
And in case you may have an operating system OTHER than Windows 10, these tips may help with installation:
Finally, please keep in mind that the format of my monthly picture is designed for most modern-day 16:9 monitors (a common format for monitors and HD TV's since about 2009), oriented in landscape format. (1920 x 1080 pixels.) If you're working with an older monitor (one that is more square-ish in format), or your monitor is set up in portrait format, the picture will probably not work for you. Sorry 'bout that.

September wallpaper/calendar is ready to download

Well, it's "sort of" ready, that is. 2018 - 9 - September - tinified

You see, I'm not allowed to publish the URL of the Holiday Catalog before it goes live on Wednesday, so I can't actually complete and publish the complete version of the September desktop wallpaper/calendar yet. So I've created a sneak peek for you to install now (so you'll at least have the calendar part), and then on the 5th, come back here and grab the completed file. (

At that time I'll rip off the disguise and unveil the completed image. Fair 'enuff?

Click HERE to download your FREE background & calendar.

You'll probably want to consult your own computer operating system's installation instructions, but installing the background image on my Windows 10 system takes just 3 quick steps – and less than a minute. It's super-duper easy-peasy!
  1. I download and save the image to my computer - from the link just above that starts with "Click HERE". (NOT from the picture that appears at the top of this post!)  TIP:  To "download" the full-resolution image once it's open (from Google Drive where it's stored), I click on the downward-pointing arrow. THAT is what actually begins the download process to my computer.
  2. Once the file has been downloaded, named and saved to my computer's hard drive, I open it. 
  3. Then I right-click on the image and select "Set as" > "Set as Background"….. then right-click again and select "Set as" > "Set as Lock screen". And poof! That's all there is to it! (For convenience, I install this on both my desktop system as well as my laptop.)
And in case you may have an operating system OTHER than Windows 10, these tips may help with installation:
Finally, please keep in mind that the format of my monthly picture is designed for most modern-day 16:9 monitors (a common format for monitors and HD TV's since about 2009), oriented in landscape format. (1920 x 1080 pixels.) If you're working with an older monitor (one that is more square-ish in format), or your monitor is set up in portrait format, the picture will probably not work for you. Sorry 'bout that.
See you back here in just a few more days!


Color Your Season – Part 5


Only 3 days left for availability of this exclusive, limited-edition stamp set, dies and watercolor pencils collection, and I've still got 2 samples to show. Yikes! I've had the samples ready for a long time, but have been particularly tied up with personal life stuff this past couple of weeks. But I'd better get on the ball to meet my goal of showing 6 cards while these products are still available, huh?

This one features 2 of the 3 dies that have those lovely stitching marks around not only the inner edge of the die (as shown in this example), but they're also on the negative part of the die (so they'd show up along the edge of a window or frame, for instance). Honestly, I think these particular 3 dies are SO versatile and beautiful they're worth the price of the entire die set!

For these flowers, I pulled out my Stampin' Blends and had some fun. Now, I'm admittedly not the most skilled "stampin' blender" around (lots of practice still needed here), but I do enjoy using them. And I particularly love how easily and quickly you can apply color with them. You'll also notice I did a bit of "cut and paste" with the flowers, too. Meaning, I stamped, colored and then "fussy" cut and rearranged flowers and leaves to my liking. I like how splitting the 3 flowers into 2 groupings provides a nice balance to this layout.

To add a touch of additional visual interest I added some splatter to the background of the card base using an aquapainter dipped in ink. (But if you have a really keen eye you'll notice a wayward spatter just above the words. Oops! Apparently, I didn't have those extra pieces set quite far enough away from the splatter action, lol!)

If you don't have this amazing set of stamps, dies and/or watercolor pencils yet, you'll have to hurry, but there are still 2-1/2 days left to grab yours! Jump on over to my online store to check 'em out, and choose 1, 2 or all 3 elements!

"BONUS DAYS" reminder!
With every $50 product order you place in August,
you'll get a coupon for $5 off your September order. No limit!
So if your product total is getting close to $50, $100, or $150, etc., then you might want to bump it up.
Also, don't forget that orders of $150 or more (that aren't part of a hosted event) always qualify for Stampin' Rewards, too…
meaning at least $15 in additional free products in your box!


Color your Season – Part 2

My challenge (to myself) continues, as I attempt to create and post 6 card samples made with the "Color your Season" limited-edition products available only during this month of August, and only while supplies last.  (Which, I suppose, defines them as "collectible", right?) 😉




Sample #2 is another layout option from my July class. It's stamped with Stazon Jet Black, then colored in with Watercolor Pencils (a mixture of the original set of pencils shown in the Annual Catalog + the additional set available this month), plus Blender Pens. And then fussy-cut.

BTW, I posted some fussy-cutting success tips in our "Paper Dreaming with Lynda" Facebook group this morning. If you're a member, or qualify to be a member, of that FB group (current customer or team member, regular class attendee, or long-time close stampin' friend), be sure to check over there for those tips!

And keep your eyes peeled for Sample #3!

Bonus Days Reminder

Blended Seasons – Limited Time Availability

Don't you just love stamp sets with seasonal longevity? And what if such a set also had a matching die set that included a beautiful, unique element that Stampin' Up! has never offered before? And what if you could add 10 new, fresh colors to your watercolor pencils collection? 

Well, that's exactly what August's special limited-edition offer includes!

Introducing the "Color Your Season" collection…… available only during August 2018, and only while supplies last!



 There are 3 elements to this offering (an exclusive 2-volume stamp set, an exclusive die set, and a set of watercolor pencils in 10 fresh colors). You may choose to get 1, 2 or all 3. The best way to see everything that you can get, and all the details you'll need, is by downloading this 2-page flyer.

Now, you won't want to wait very long to order these because the stamps and dies will only be available during this month of August, and ONLY while supplies last! (And if you've been around Stampin' Up! for very long you KNOW what those 3 little words "while supplies last" can mean, don't you?!?)

While the watercolor pencils make a lovely addition to your 12 stamps and 10 dies, they will eventually appear in a future catalog and you can get them at that time if you MUST wait. (But why not get them now, while you can take advantage of August "Bonus Days", and use them with these stamps and others you may already own?!?)

Oh! And might you be wondering if you can get a discount if you order BOTH the stamps and the dies as a bundle? But, of course you can!  🙂


In the meantime, I'll leave you with my very first Christmas card of 2018……  one of the cards from my July card class. It features a couple of each of the 3 products from this collection: stamps, dies, and watercolor pencils.  And did you notice that all 3 of the frame dies have stitching on both inner and outer edges?!? Be still my heart! Even if you used only just *those* frame dies, you'd still get lots and lots of use out of them when combined with other dies and stamps you may already own!

Remember that the earlier in the month you grab your "Color Your Season" products, the more likely you'll be to GET them before they're sold out. Be careful to not wait too long and risk disappointment.

  "BONUS DAYS" reminder!

With every $50 product order you place in August,
you'll get a coupon for $5 off your September order. No limit!
So if your product total is getting close to $50, $100, or $150, etc., then you might want to bump it up.
Also, don't forget that orders of $150 or more (that aren't part of a hosted event) always qualify for Stampin' Rewards, too…
meaning at least $15 in additional free products in your box!