Sale-a-Bration 2011

SAB 2011 picture 
Woo Hoo!  It has finally arrived…… that super-fun season we've been waiting so long for:  Sale-a-Bration!

And during Stampin' Up!'s popular Sale-a-Bration season there's something FREE for everyone:  Customers, hostesses, and demonstrators both brand-new and long-time! So check out the details and don't miss out.

Active customers who shop with me regularly should have already received their brochures in the mail – oh, about a month ago.  But if you never received yours, you can check it out in PDF form  (along with any of our other catalogs) - or ask for another next time we're together.

Oh, and if you don't have your own Sale-a-Bration workshop scheduled, what are we waiting for?  Even though I'm already booked for most of the next month,we can still get you and your friends set up for late February - provided we reserve your date soon!