Lynda Glassmoyer
Your Paper Dreams
Independent Stampin’ Up!® Demonstrator
Images © Stampin’ Up!®
A little bit about me...
Two things you’ll probably notice about me pretty quickly... I like Pink, and I like Flowers (especially
Orchids). And the more, the merrier. Ok, now that that’s out of the way...
I began my adventure with Stampin’ Up!® way back in January of 1996, while I was living in So. Cal.
and invited to a home party by a friend. At that time I had never heard of using stamps & ink for art
purposes, but because I was already a crafter at heart, it only took about 10 seconds for me to fall in
love with what I saw!
4 months later I became a demonstrator, and the fun started to multiply because I loved sharing the
creativity with others! Over the years, I’ve relocated & basically rebooted my business 2 additional
times, as life has taken me from state to state. (I’m currently in North Idaho.) And I’ve been able to
share the fun of papercrafting with hundreds of people (who I now count as friends) all along the
29 years into this adventure, I now work largely online, but still love to get out & meet people face-to-
face for a couple of hours of creative time together. We often work with kits at such events, so
everyone can choose their favorite project(s). (See an example of such a kit shown at the left.) But I’m
always open to presenting other styles of events as well, so let me know what you may envision, and
let’s make it happen!
Hello! I’m Lynda.
And thanks for visiting my online home!
Images © Stampin’ Up!®
Don’t Miss What’s New:
2 fun new kits launched Mar. 4!
Lots of new products launched Mar. 4!
“Online Exclusives”
Collections of new products are released
“exclusively” (meaning “online only”)
throughout the year. Check in regularly to the
“Online Exclusives” category to see what’s
calling your name!
“Stampin’ Rewards” upgrade is coming!
Stampin’ Rewards Upgrade
Beginning in mid-April, you’ll earn Stampin’
Rewards credits with every $20 order placed
through my online store (which either you or I
can submit). But you MUST have a customer
account, so set one up if you haven’t already!
Images © Stampin’ Up!®
New Kits Added Monthly
2 - 3 new kits get added to our Kits Collection
the first week of every month. This means
you’ll always find something new in our “Kits
Collection” category!
2024-2025 Annual Catalog. Valid through
April 2025, although some items may be
discontinued during its final weeks as
inventories run out. Be aware that our
catalogs now only show a sampling of
what’s available; full listing of products will
appear in the online store.
Jan - Apr 2025 Mini Catalog. Be sure to shop
early in the season for best product selection,
as supplies of some items may be depleted
before the catalog term expires. Click the
image to view or download the digital
version. And find the *full* collection of
available products at my online store.
Current Catalogs
(Digital Format - Click each picture to browse it online - or download it as a PDF)
Images © Stampin’ Up!®
More info about catalogs:
Please be aware that our catalogs do not show *all* the products that we carry at any given time. (Yes, for many years they *did* show everything,
but it’s no longer possible.) That is because we can only publish paper/digital catalogs up to 3 times a year (due to lengthy publication lead times),
and new product is added to the line every month.
So personally, I consider our printed catalogs to be a high-level introduction to our product line, while showcasing the general concept of our lines...
alongside offering creative ideas, tips & suggestions regarding certain featured items.
But it’s important to know that we also add *some* new products to our online store on a monthly basis, as well as certain other products *every 2
months*! So you will *always* find a more complete & up-to-date listing of our current items in our online store than you will in a catalog.
And for this reason, I encourage you to check in with the online store fairly regularly to see if there’s something that catches your eye. The practice
of introducing & retiring products as regularly as we do nowadays serves to keep our product line fresh & exciting... just the way crafters want it to
be! 😉
But to avoid overwhelm with what’s coming & what’s going, here are 3 tips I recommend for exploring the online store:
- Always be sure to check the “Last Chance Products” section of the online store, where you will find products on their way to retirement. Soon-to-
be-retired products are added every-other-month, and some will even be offered at a discount. But inventories will always be limited once they
reach “Last Chance” status, and the early bird catches the worm, as they say! - If you already know exactly what you’re looking for, input its title or part of its title, or its product code into the search bar - to go right to it.
- But if you *don’t* know exactly what you want and really just wanna peruse what’s new, click the “What’s New” tab.
And what if you find something you’d like, but now’s not the right time to order it? Click the heart 💖next to the item and add it to your “favorites”
list! (You must be logged into your customer account in order to do this, however.) And did you know you can even make your own personal lists
and name them? Personally, I have lists for “Stamps”, “Dies”, “Ink Pads & Refills”, “Embossing Folders”, “Paper”, and a bunch of other things, too!
Rewards Program (& Host Code)
While Stampin’ Up! intends to always remain focused on creative gatherings, we are excited to be transitioning away from our
long-standing, traditional party-plan “Host Rewards” format, which has always been based on total group sales volume. So, in
mid-April 2025, we’ll be implementing a rewards program for individual customers, which will be based on their own purchases.
(You may already be familiar with this type of reward program, as it has become popular in recent years with many other retail
organizations such as grocery, hardware, clothing, and appliance stores. Keep your eye out for more details of this new program
as the changeover date approaches!)
But that said, at the present time, and until the change officially takes place in April of 2025, the rewards we’ve known in recent
years as “Stampin’ Rewards” will continue to be awarded to hosts with at least $150 in product sales at their events, as well as on
individual customer orders totaling $150 or more - outside of a hosted group event. And “Host Codes” will continue to exist until
the changeover takes effect, too. (So please continue to use my current general host code for orders of UNDER $150 in product
until that time.)
My Current General Host Code
(Please apply to individual
orders of less than $150 in

Images © Stampin’ Up!®
Shop with me online and complete your order at
Open a customer account at the same address (if
you don’t already have one) & then email me to let
me know what you’d like to order. Be sure to
include your phone number so I can call you back.
And please do NOT include any credit card info in
your email!
Either way, your order can ship directly to you.
USA customers only, please.
Lynda Glassmoyer, Your Paper Dreams
Follow my business page
on Facebook:
Mailing address:
PO Box 2911, Post Falls, ID 83877
Phone (Voice + Text):
(208) 717-4949
Website: (please make a note of this to find your way back here)
Shop Online
(or access your customer account):
Get custom text updates
& text with me privately:
Text the words “texting list” to (208) 717-4949, and then follow the automated instructions you’ll receive.
(No cost to you unless your mobile service still charges you by the message - which most no longer do.)
to my (emailed) newsletter:
Let’s stay in touch! Please add me to your contacts list.
FB page content
Please note that I will be taking some personal time off during the transition from the current
Stampin’ Rewards program to the new program. So I will be unavailable from April 10 - April 14.
Please wrap up your orders & questions before then.
Thanks! And I’ll see ya back here on the 15th - with a brand-new Stampin’ Rewards program!

And more...

Purchase retired items
from my collection
(coming soon)
The fine print...
- This website and its contents are the sole responsibility of Lynda Glassmoyer, Independent Stampin’ Up!® Demonstrator. Any
classes, events, services, or products offered on this website or elsewhere on the internet by Lynda Glassmoyer are not
endorsed by Stampin’ Up!®.
- All images of Stampin’ Up!® products and/or images of projects that incorporate or feature such products are © Stampin’ Up!®.
- I value & honor the privacy of your personal information. And that is why I will never purchase a mailing list, and I require *you*
to provide specific permission & info (such as name, email address, mailing address, etc.) in order to be added to a mailing or
texting list I maintain. I cannot see any credit card information you may share with Stampin’ Up! (usually in the form of your
customer account), but if you directly give *me* a credit card number in order to submit an order on your behalf, I will destroy
my record of all but the final 4 digits as soon as the order is submitted. Additionally, I only share your personal information (and
only to the extent required) with such services or entities I use in the course of conducting my business (such as the Stampin’ Up!
company, which obviously needs certain information in order to process your submitted order), my accounting service (through
which I may send you an invoice to pay for a purchase), money-transfer apps (such as Venmo or similar), along with my email,
texting, and business phone line service providers. If you have any questions or concerns about such limited usages, please
contact me and I’ll be happy to explain in more detail.
Yeah, there’s always gotta be *some*, huh?!?